Places on Andy’s bread making courses are limited to 4 people per session, so you’ll get high quality tuition and lots of hands on experience.


You will learn various techniques to enable you to confidently make your own bread at home including kneading, proving, shaping and baking.

The course covers all the usual pitfalls of new bakers and gives you professional tips on how to make the perfect loaf.

On this course you will make tin loaves, bloomers, ciabattas and flat breads.

Includes a light lunch and all your bread to take away!

Price: £100 inc VAT

Dates for 2024


    A full day course where you will learn to start and maintain your sourdough starter; bake a pain de campagne wheat bread and a 100% Russian rye bread; and customise your sourdough baking around your life.

    Includes morning coffee and pastries, make your own sourdough pizza for lunch, afternoon tea and all your bread to take away.

    Price: TBC

    Dates for 2024